Officially Negative

Sorry for my time away from posting any blogs.  Work has been a little crazy, not much has changed on the baby front, and then Dusty and I took a quick 4 day trip to Vegas over the weekend, which I'll post about in another post soon.

On Monday, September 23rd, I went to the doctor's office to have a blood test done to confirm I wasn't pregnant.  I got there at 8:00, and was back at work by 8:20.  My doctor's office called around lunch time with the news that I knew I would hear, I'm not pregnant. 

I really do love my doctor's office, but the down side is having to see so many different doctors, so, when I got a call with my results, it was actually from the nurse of the doctor I saw from my 2nd ultrasound of my 2nd round of clomid, so, a doctor I saw in June.  The nurse asked me if I wanted to continue with another IUI this cycle, and I told her I wasn't having a cycle, which was the whole reason for the blood test.  I then told her that my regular doctor's nurse {even though I haven't seen that doctor since April!!!} said I would be prescribed something to start my period.  The nurse's response was something like, oh, let me check with her.  So, about an hour later, I got a call telling me they would call in a prescription {yet another one} for a hormone to make my period start.  It would be a 10 day prescription and my period could start any of the 10 days, or none of them, and if it didn't, to call back. I am, 8 pills into this perscription and nothing.  I'm now on cycle day 48 and nothing.  Go figure.
