10 Year Anniversary

This post is a week late, but I still wanted to post it.  Last Friday, July 12th, Dusty and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary.  It is really hard to believe that 10 years ago, we were newly weds!
I thank God so much for bringing Dusty and me together.  He truly is my rock.  Dusty and I have been through so much in our 10 years of marriage, and he has been there for me through everything.  Before we were married (many, many years ago, haha), I didn't think I would ever find a guy that I would actually consider my best friend, but Dusty really is that.  I can't imagine having gone through the struggles faced over the last few years without Dusty by my side.  Thank you baby! 
Here are a few more pictures from our wedding.  :)
I love you, Dusty!
