The results are in.....

We had our first ultrasound this morning.  I was so anxious and nervous.  Dusty was so confident everything would be fine.  I tried my best to believe that, but was still having a really hard time getting over the anxiety leading up to this apointment.  I have to say, the number of friends and family members that messaged us and checked in on us leading up to this was amazing!  Thank you guys!

So...for what you all want to know!  As of right now, here is what we have...

When the doctor first brought the ultrasound up on the screen, I saw a flash of two dark spots and instantly knew we had twins!  I waited for the doctor (yet another different doctor, but what's new) to actually confirm this before I really let myself believe it though. 

It was too early for us to see the heartbeats, but the doctor said the sacks looked good and were measuring the size they needed to be.  He did say, though, that with it being so early, there is a chance one could "vanish", which I knew, and was glad he was realistic with us about it.

The doctor said for us to come back for another ultrasound in a week to 10 days, but when the nurse wrote it down, she wrote to come back in 1 week, which is the 4th, and they are closed, so we are actually going back on the 2nd.  I figure there won't be a lot of changes between now and then, but honestly, I wasn't going to argue and push it back, for my own peace of mind!! 
